Our Happy Place: At the ocean. In the waves. Getting tossed around at high tide.
We named our business, our first venture as sisters, after this shared happy place. To us, there’s peace, clarity and so much joy that comes from being near the water. And most especially, the ocean.
There, it’s easy to be grounded and centered. Priorities shift to family and beach walks and bodysurfing. Inspired by this, we strive to channel simplicity and intentionality in all we do. And help our High Tide family do the same.
Our makerie is designed to encourage the purchase of fewer, lovelier things.
To minimize waste and make us rethink our throwaway culture.
And to honor the process of creating something by hand.
Behind High Tide, A Family History
At the heart of this concept is an appreciation for beautiful textiles. It all started with Great-Grandma-Nana. A seamstress, she’d bring project scraps and remnants home and transform them into beautiful, usable pieces. Her grand-daughter learned at her side. Made barbie clothes, made her family clothes, made her own clothes. (Think blazers, incredible, high-waisted 60’s pants, her prom dress.)
She grew up, became an art major, had babies of her own, made them lots of clothes. And eventually, at her side, those lucky babes learned how to craft and create and explore.
In our house, nothing was useless. Scraps became crafts. weeds became wreaths. We reused, mended, composted. Like Nana, our mom has the ability to see potential in things; a skill she’s fostered in us and which serves as pillar of High Tide.
Today, Olivia sews on Mom’s vintage Singer - the same one that she learned on and saw her through so many projects. We think it’s the perfect way to come full circle.